35+ Gautam Buddha ke Anmol vichar | Best Buddha quotes in hindi

Gautam Buddha ke Anmol vichar | Best Buddha quotes in hindi Gautam buddha quotes | Buddha quotes in hindi Watch hindi motivational stories in our Youtube Channel :- Be Motivated One About Gautam buddha - Gautam buddha is well known for his spirituality, speeches, dharama & karma . Gautam buddha belongs to a rich family & he has every kind of comfort & pleasure but when he saw the suffering of people outside his kingdom, which made him very hurt & he decided to quit all kind of comfort & pleasure. Gautam buddha directs his life towards enlightment . He lived his other half of life as a monk . He beg for food & for clothes. After a long time meditation when he attain the knowledge & reaches to stage of enlightment then he started to educate people about how to live a life without suffering or Dukha . Lord Gautam buddha 's teachings are a must need for present generation as people of today's are only happy by their looks not by soul. Still people...