real story behind the viral meme drummer | cat vibing to leven polkka video 2020

Real Story Behind the Viral Meme Whenever we see a viral meme . We all want to know the story behind it. Nowadays a meme in which a man is playing tambourine has gone viral. The video is mostly trending in Twitter and instagaram. So what's the real story of that man...? Bilal Goregen The man behind the viral drum meme is known as Bilal Goregen . Who is blind and has a physical disability order in which he can't keep his hands steady & he can't act & behave in a normal way. Bilal Goregen is from Turkey & the language of this song is turkish. Bilal Goregen is musician & drummer. Bilal also has a YouTube channel as. Bilal Goregen . Which over 6.75 Lakh numbers of subscriber. The song he is playing is a popular Finnish song ' leven polkka '. Which is written in the 1930s. Bilal Goregen uploaded this song in his YouTube channel in 2018. At that time the video did not see viral spread. In Oct 2020 a Twitter user posted the earliest meme b...